In partnership with Back on Track Physiotherapy, we are offering patient-centred therapy with a focus on small group exercise and education sessions. You will be well supported during the program, with supervised education sessions, goal setting and a holistic health screening by a team of allied health professionals – with other services sometimes available on a case-by-case basis.
How does the PCCR program work?
The PCCR program is an 8-week structured program facilitated in each of the program locations (listed below). Participants will attend two supervised sessions per week in their allocated location, consisting of a combination of exercise and education.
Program days will not run consecutively, to allow for recovery between sessions. There is a maximum of eight participants per intake and the program will be delivered only once in each location.
Who is eligible for the program?
To be eligible for the program, you must:
- Be willing and agree to take part in the program
- Be living with a chronic respiratory condition or CHF
- Be located within travelling distance to the centres where the program will be delivered
If you are on long term oxygen therapy or are a current smoker you can still refer to the program.
Some exclusion criteria apply – talk to your GP before referring to this program. View the exclusion criteria here.
What regions does it cover?
The program will be available in West Wyalong, Junee, Leeton and Lake Cargelligo.
- West Wyalong – April to June 2024
- Junee – July to September 2024
- Leeton – October to November 2024
- Leeton – February to April 2025
- Lake Cargelligo – April to June 2025
Please note – dates may be subject to change and participants will be notified accordingly.
How do I refer to the program?
The first step is to talk to your GP to discuss your eligibility and whether this program is suitable for you. They will need to provide a medical clearance prior to being able to refer into the program.
Your GP can then complete a referral for you, or you can refer yourself to the program. Download the referral form and once completed, email it to
What happens during the referral and program process?
- A GP must provide medical clearance PRIOR to the referral being made.
- Once we receive the referral, we’ll call the participant to find out more information, check their eligibility and make an appointment.
- We then conduct an initial assessment before the program commences
- The program commences. During the intake session, our team will set goals and talk to the participant about how and when the twice-weekly sessions will take place
- We’ll actively monitor progress against goals – this will be recorded, and sent to the referring GP
- A final assessment is completed, a report is written and sent to key people including the referring GP
Following completion of the program, participants may be connected to post-program services such as NSW Get Healthy Service and Lungs in Action.
Who is delivering the program?
Marathon Health are the lead contractor for the PCCR program and manage the central intake and participant allocation. Back on Track Physiotherapy is providing clinical service delivery of program. Back on Track Physiotherapy are a specialised physiotherapist and allied health team with experience delivering rehabilitation therapy.
Find out more
This program is supported by funding from firsthealth Limited and Murrumbidgee Primary Health Network through the Australian Government’s PHN program.
Privacy PolicyPage last updated: 11 March 2025