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After Hours Bathurst and Dubbo
Our After Hours GP services in Bathurst and Dubbo, provide urgent (but not emergency) primary care outside of normal business hours.
care finder
The aged care system can be complex and difficult for older people to navigate and access the services they need. That’s where the care finder program comes in. Care Finders support vulnerable older people who wouldn’t be able to arrange services without intensive support, and don’t have a family member, friend, or person they trust, to help.
Commonwealth Psychosocial Support Program
Living with a severe mental illness can impact many parts of your life, from employment, relationships, getting involved in things you want to do, daily activities and education.
Diabetes management and support
Managing a diabetes diagnosis can be challenging. That’s because there’s a lot you need to know and understand, including what makes your blood sugar levels change, how to make lifestyle adjustments to improve your quality of life, and how to navigate the medicine needed.
Flying Start Paediatric Program
Our Variety Flying Start Paediatric Program provides free access to paediatricians for children living in rural and remote communities – providing equity in access to vital supports for families, closer to home.
General NDIS services
Our experienced NDIS team provide support for adults and children, covering all disability types and complexities. The allied health team will work with you and your family or carers to make sure you access the support you want.
With a focus early intervention, we work with young people to provide support at a crucial time in their lives – to help get them back on track and strengthen their ability to manage their mental health in the future.
headspace Outreach Program
The headspace Outreach Program (hOP) is a FREE and confidential, culturally informed support for young people aged 12-25 years who may not have access to a headspace centre. It aims to make it easier for you to access mental health support and connect you to appropriate services.
Health Care Navigator
Knowing how or where to access the right health service for your needs can be overwhelming. Our Health Care Navigator program has been designed to support people with chronic health conditions to navigate their way through the health system.
Healthy Ears
We often take our hearing for granted, but it impacts every part of your life. Diagnosing ear and hearing concerns early on can often mean better chances of recovery.
Homelessness health support team program
The Homelessness Health Support Team Program supports people who are experiencing homelessness, or at risk of experiencing homelessness including sleeping rough, couch surfing and living in overcrowded dwellings to access the healthcare they need.
Indigenous Chronic Disease Clinic
Living with a chronic condition requires a range of treatments to support you to live the life you want to live. The Bathurst Indigenous Chronic Disease Clinic (ICD) allows you to access the support you need, all under the one roof.
Individual Placement Support
Sometimes we need a good advocate in our corner to help us reach our goals. The Individual Placement and Support (IPS) program connects you with one of our vocational specialists who provide one-on-one support for your work and study goals.
Integrated Care Coordination
When you have a chronic disease, navigating the health systems and the services you need can be overwhelming.
Integrated Team Care
Integrated Team Care understand what services you need to manage your chronic health conditions.
Intergenerational program
There is nothing quite like spending quality time with young people and getting a glimpse into their wonderful and tiny worlds – seeing the universe from the eyes of a 3–5-year-old often brings positive insight into our own lives.
NDIS After Hours Crisis Referral Service
The After Hours Crisis Referral Service (AHCRS) was designed to support NDIS participants with complex needs (aged 18 and over), who are experiencing a crisis because of a breakdown of their usual disability related supports.
Nutrition advice and support
Everyone needs food and drink to stay healthy. But sometimes you need extra support in understanding the nutritional value of the food you eat and how it can affect your life – especially if you have a chronic disease!
Occupational therapy
Everyday tasks such as getting dressed or going to the shops can be difficult for some people. This is where an occupational therapist (OT) can help!
Outreach chronic disease services
The Medical Outreach Indigenous Chronic Disease program (MOICDP) supports medical specialists and allied health providers to deliver health and wellbeing services to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples in regional areas.
Outreach specialist services
The Rural Health Outreach Funds program supports specialists and allied health professionals to deliver outreach health services to people living in regional, rural or remote communities.
Positive Behaviour Support
When someone is in distress, stressed or have limited communication and skills development, they can exhibit challenging behaviour. Positive Behaviour Support (PBS) provides a person-centred framework for people with disability; providing support in situations where there is, or is a risk of, challenging behaviour.
Pulmonary and Chronic Cardiac Rehabilitation (PCCR)
The Pulmonary and Chronic Cardiac Rehabilitation (PCCR) program is a free 8-week program designed to support an improved quality of life for people living with a chronic respiratory condition or Chronic Heart Failure (CHF) and reduce their likelihood of associated hospital admissions.
Speech pathology
Being able to communicate effectively is a basic human need. When you have problems with your communication, it can affect all aspects of your life – which is why seeing a speech pathologist can be important for your wellbeing.
Strong Minds
We all have good mental health days and bad mental health days. Sometimes the bad days start to outnumber the good and you need extra support. Talking to a mental health professional can help you manage the times when it all feels like too much.
It’s not uncommon for vulnerable people with chronic health conditions to fall through the gaps in healthcare. The Wellness and Resilience Achieved Through Allied Health (WARATAH) program is designed to help provide access to allied health services such as diabetes education, dietetics, podiatry, and physiotherapy in some communities. The program is free, your GP will support with the referral.
WARATAH for Kids
Do you need support with your child’s development? You may be eligible for free speech pathology and occupational therapy services through the WARATAH for Kids program.
Westfund Care Coordination Pilot Program
Marathon Health has partnered with Westfund Health Insurance to provide the Westfund Care Coordination Pilot Program – designed to assist you to manage your healthcare needs and live well in your community.
WNSW Speech Pathology program
Sometimes, children with a language impairment struggle to make and keep friends, regulate their behaviour, and negotiate new experiences. They face poorer educational, employment and mental health outcomes and are more likely to engage in anti-social behaviour and criminal activity.
Youth Plus
The Youth Plus clinic is a brief intervention service available in the Lithgow area, that offers young people aged 12-25, who are in crisis, a set of specific individual appointments.
Page last updated: 20 November 2023