Celebrating NAIDOC Week 2024 | Marathon Health
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Aboriginal health Posted: 09 July 2024

Celebrating NAIDOC Week 2024

NAIDOC Week is a time of immense significance for all Australians, a chance to recognise and celebrate the history, culture, and achievements of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples. It is a week that invites reflection on the past, recognition of present challenges, and commitment to a future of unity and respect. 

‘Keep the Fire Burning! Blak, Loud, and Proud’ 

This year’s NAIDOC theme, ‘Keep the Fire Burning! Blak, Loud, and Proud,’ emphasises the resilience and strength of First Nations communities across Australia. It calls us to recognise and amplify the voices, stories and achievements of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people.  

We asked some of our First Nations staff to reflect on what this theme means to them. They echoed the idea that it encourages us all to celebrate the rich cultural heritage, ongoing contributions to society, and determination of First Nations people to preserve and promote their traditions. 

“This year's NAIDOC theme is about keeping our culture alive by encouraging our communities to come together to recognise and acknowledge our culture for future generations, as well as being proud of who we are, our culture, our communities, and our voices.”

Cassandra, Youth Care Coordinator

“This year’s theme is about being proud of our culture and continuing to be a proud voice for our First Nations people everywhere. Ensuring we continue to work with the older generations to teach the younger generations of our culture and how important being a proud Aboriginal person is. Being the voice for everyone.”

Shaana, Wellness Worker Learner

“I interpret this year's theme to be about keeping our culture and community alive and thriving. To be proud and loud about who we are and where we have come from. It encourages us to keep pushing and making our culture and ancestors proud. We are people of resilience. Let's be proud and loud and keep the fire burning for all future generations to come!”

Katie, Project Assistant


Page last updated: 10 July 2024

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